New ESMN publication on the impact of the COVID-10 pandemic on intimacy and sexuality in eight European countries

To download the article in Sexuality & Culture, click the link.

Online meeting Working Group 2


Online meeting Working Group 1

Online meeting Working Group 4


Open Research Europe: An opportunity for open access publishing of ESMN-related papers

COST Actions can now submit their scientific publications directly to Open Research Europe (ORE), the European Commission’s Open Access publishing platform for research stemming from Horizon Europe.

Open Research Europe is an original publishing venue, like a journal, not a repository (where papers already published somewhere else are deposited). ORE accepts articles in all fields of science: submitted research must be original, not be submitted anywhere else for publication, and stem from a COST Action.

It provides a reliable peer-reviewed publishing service of high scientific quality, with swift publication times. The platform also implements rigorous scientific standards which are overseen by an international Scientific Advisory Board.

Publishing in Open Research Europe is free of charge; the European Commission covers all costs. Lastly, Open Research Europe is also a solution to publish articles even after the COST Action has ended.

More information is available on the European Commission’s website, which contains helpful tips, guides and FAQs, including how to prepare articles and data for submission. If you have further questions on submitting research that stems from your COST Action to ORE please contact Ruth Fisher:

Please note that this is complementary to the existing COST rules on Open Access publications.