Dr. Marianne Greil-Soyka

Professional Experience

2017 – now: Designed e-learning program for OEASM, published by Akademie der Ärzte

2016 – present: Create and conduct seminar programs for medical and religious institutions, (eg., Österreichische Bischofskonferenz, Pastoralkonferenz, Militärseelsorge,…)

2013/2017 – present: Instructor. Sexual Medicine at Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität  Salzburg and Sigmund Freud Universität Wien

2010 – present: Founder of the advanced sexual medicine training and education program , and a diploma for Austrian doctors, approved by the Austrian Medical Association

2010 – present: Curriculum designer and director of the OEASM diploma in sexual medicine

2009 – present: Founding member and first chairwoman of the OEASM

2008 – present: Head of the Department for Sexual Medicine of the Medical Association of Salzburg.

Expertise and Research Interests

  • Development of humanitarian social projects centered around sexual medicine
  • Protect the next and future generations against sexual abuse and harm imposed by ineffective public policies, sexual predators, pornography, et cetera
  • Education in sexual medicine for students and professionals
  • Private practice in sexual therapy

Social and humanitarian projects:

  • Medical care of homeless people in Salzburger Wärmestube
  • Co-founder of the Platform “Allianz für Kinder” in Salzburg
  • Doctor for the “Allianz für Kinder in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten” with medical work assignments in Kosovo (Pristina) and Albania (Tirana):  documented and produced in two Allianz related movies

Selected Publications


Filmproductions for Allianz für Kinder 2006 and 2007:

Documented and produced films for Allianz für Kinder, released for television throughout Austria

Produced informational videos introducing international faculty members of the Academy discussing their pioneering work

Presented a series of lectures on humanistic medicine with original poetry for the ”German Society for Art and Psychopathology of Expression” and published in series for the DGPA, edition GIB, Berlin