Congrats to our Action and our Science Communication manager Dejan Bratus!

5. September 2019

The story about our COST -Action “European Sexual Medicine Network“ was picked up by Reuters and has been one of the most shared COST stories across different media world wide!!!!!! (2.05. 2019).

Reuters Health reports: Men with serious illness may not seek erectile dysfunction treatment
“In Slovenia, the study authors are developing better ways for oncologists to talk to patients about sexuality and sexual dysfunction”, Bratus said. He is also part of a new 26-country European Sexual Medicine Network created by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology funding organization.

Men with cancer or other chronic illnesses are less likely to seek treatment for erectile dysfunction, even though sexual health is an important aspect of quality of life, researchers say. With a better understanding of the reasons why men don’t seek help, doctors could change the way they talk to their patients and help them seek treatment, the authors of a small study conclude in the International Journal of Impotence Research. “Improving our approach could result in a large proportion of men maintaining a satisfactory sexual life, which is an important part of overall wellbeing,” said lead study author Dr. Dejan Bratus of University Medical Center in Maribor, Slovenia.

European Sexual Medicine Network – Mention by Reuters and picked up by several outlet – FYI: